making sure your squat rack is compatible

Upright Depth
Uprights between 2 and 4 inches thick.

Hole Spacing
Hole spacing of 1, 2, 3, or 4 inches apart (center to center).

Hole Diameter
Holes between 5/8 and 1 inch in diameter
Have a facility you'd like to setup with ANCORE? We can help. LEARN MORE
Transform your squat rack into a cable trainer in seconds. Made with a durable aluminum plate, steel rod, and spring locking knob, the Rack Mount elevates any space and adds a whole new dimension to your training. Any squat rack ranging from 2-4 inches will be compatible with the Rack Mount.
Works great easy to shift around - it is a must have for the ancore pro!
It is very stable and I can move it quickly and easily. Allowed me to place the strap mount on a pole for when I want it low. Love the ANCORE system. Perfect for my home gym with a low ceiling.
I purchased the rack mounts a year after buying my original ANCORE pro and they make a huge difference in stability. We upgraded to 4 units because we have such a high use in our facility and the velcro strap started to wear. The screw lock mechanism is super secure and is rock solid when we do higher speed movements or when the weight is loaded to the max. My only recommendation would be to make the adjustable rack peg in the front longer and with a locking so it is less likely to spin open with use. Overall a must have in professional settings when attaching to a rack.
Uprights between 2 and 4 inches thick.
Hole spacing of 1, 2, 3, or 4 inches apart (center to center).
Holes between 5/8 and 1 inch in diameter