ANCORE Weekly - October 8, 2020

Hello and welcome! This week’s edition of the ANCORE Weekly covers a movement made possible by a tricep rope, the two key components of a healthy diet, and a glimpse into the ANCORE’s community of performance athletes. Let’s get started.
Movement of the Week: Standing Tricep Extensions
By adding a tricep rope to your training setup, you’re not only able to do more workouts, but also able to work different parts of the body in different ways. Nothing illustrates this better than the standing tricep extension. This movement is excellent for building strength in the core, back, and shoulders in a way that goes beyond what a traditional cable handle attachment might provide.
From the World of Training and Performance
What’s the simplest path to a healthy diet? Easy, eat more protein, and drink more water. While it may seem too good to be true, these two nutrition keystones help the body to build muscle, provide a long-lasting supply of energy, and stay hydrated. Get the full picture on this dynamic duo and learn how to incorporate more of both into your diet.
Self-motivation a key component of being an athlete. Without it, workouts get skipped, games aren’t played, and goals are missed. But, how do you cultivate self-motivation in yourself and even others? Learn the psychology of self-motivation and what it takes to build it.
A good core workout is the gift that keeps on giving. It makes for stronger and faster athletes and provides a sense of accomplishment upon finishing it. Check out this eight-move core workout and start building strength right from the comfort of your home.
From the ice to the garage gym and everywhere in between. ANCORE’s community of performance athletes come from all different sports and walks of life. Meet those athletes of all kinds training without limits and building strength with the help of their ANCORE Trainer.
Missed the podcast last week? Get caught up by listening to our latest episode where we talked with professional golfer, Kayla Jones. Kayla talked about she first got into golf, what it was like playing in and winning her first-ever college tournament, and how she's adapted her training amidst the pandemic. Stay tuned for next week's episode where we sit down with our first football player and talk about what it takes to be a D1 quarterback. Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify here or watch it on YouTube here.